ÚRBANISTAN vinnur að gerð sýninga og rannsókna á innviðum
hins manngerða umhverfis auk þess að leiða greiningarvinnu og samtal í þróunar- og stefnumótunar-verkefnum þvert á stjórnsýslusvið, fræðasvið og fagsvið
ÚRBANISTAN vinnur að gerð sýninga og rannsókna á innviðum
hins manngerða umhverfis auk þess að leiða greiningarvinnu og samtal í þróunar- og stefnumótunar-verkefnum þvert á stjórnsýslusvið, fræðasvið og fagsvið
ÚRBANISTAN vinnur að gerð sýninga og rannsókna á innviðum
hins manngerða umhverfis auk þess að leiða greiningarvinnu og samtal í þróunar- og stefnumótunar-verkefnum þvert á stjórnsýslusvið, fræðasvið og fagsvið
ÚRBANISTAN is an architecture practice engaging at the intersection of architecture, art, and urban culture. Working on diverse projects that range from preservation, planning, strategic, and urban design to publishing, curating, and filmmaking.
ANNA MARÍA BOGADÓTTIR, architect and author, is the founder and owner of Úrbanistan. She engages with the cultural and social aspects of the built environment, with her work finding cross-disciplinary purchases across architecture, literature, and visual art. Her auto-fictive debut, Jarðsetning (en. Interment), published in collaboration with Angústúra in 2022, made her mark on the literary scene with a Nordic Council Literary Prize nomination. The book takes readers on a journey offering insights into how our surroundings shape us as humans while reflecting on a necessary systemic change that can end the disposable building culture's destructive nature. Prior to Jarðsetning, Anna has edited and published books on architecture and urbanism, some under the banner of ÚRBANISTAN.
Anna is an associate professor in architecture at the Iceland University of the Arts. She holds an M. Arch. from Columbia University, an M.A. in cultural studies from the University of Southern Denmark, and an M.Sc. in design, media, and communication from Copenhagen IT University.
The list of ÚRBANISTAN clients and collaborators includes Reykjavík Art Museum, Icelandic National Broadcasting Service, Reykjavík City, Nordic Innovation, Nordregio, Basalt Architects, Studio Granda, Ydda Architects, Stika Architects, Landslag Landscape Architects, Kópavogur Municipality, Iceland Design and Architecture, and Angústúra Publishers.